Graduate Studies
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Master of Science & Doctor of Philosophy degree programs.
Graduate students in the Department work closely with faculty research advisors in order to acquire the skills to become independent researchers and problem solvers. The faculty has been recognized by a number of prestigious awards over the past few years. Please view our research faculty page for more information.
Graduate Handbook
We ask that you take the time to review the contents of our Graduate Student Handbook to familiarize yourself with important topics such as our degree and course requirements, cumulative examination information, safety requirements, departmental seminars, and review other miscellaneous but equally significant information.
A devoted staff and excellent support facilities aid the research of the faculty and students. The research laboratories of the Department are housed in two buildings constructed in the late 1960’s.
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“Doing my PhD at the Chemistry Department at UIC was a wonderful experience. Working in a small group, like most groups at UIC, gave me the opportunity to have a lot of input and guidance from my advisor, but also enough independence to make the transition towards the next step in my career easy. The department is very diverse and supportive, and I got the opportunities to engage with other faculty members. I also had many opportunities to mentor students and hone my teaching skills.
All of those experiences are extremely valuable for building my independent career. The location of the school in the heart of Chicago made it an overall wonderful experience outside of the PhD program too. Having the opportunity to work with cutting-edge techniques while at UIC, and the proximity to Argonne National Laboratory and the chance to work there, helped me greatly transition to my postgraduate work.”
P.h.D in Chemistry|

“UIC was a great place for international students (like me) to gain all the resources and experiences during my PhD program. Especially, I have realized our department (Chemistry) is run by very established professors and supportive staff who enthusiastically guide grad students to succeed in their future academic careers. Also, obtaining a PhD from UIC was fantastic since there is a very high level of diversity near the campus as well as in Chicago. Therefore, I was able to reach the beginning of my success with UIC’s strong graduate program. Thanks for your unlimited valuable support!”
P.h.D in Chemistry|