Prof. Wonhwa Cho named the inaugural LAS Endowed Chair in the Natural Sciences!

The College of Liberal Arts and Science (LAS) is pleased to announce the investiture of Professor and Head of Chemistry, Wonhwa Cho, as its Inaugural LAS Endowed Chair in the Natural Sciences. Professor Cho is the first of the chairs to be invested. The investiture, officiated by UIC Provost Susan Poser and LAS Dean Astrida Orle Tantillo was held on February 12. Professor Cho’s inaugural lecture as LAS Endowed Chair in the Natural Sciences was entitled: “My Love for Fats: A Chemist’s Cholesterol Story.” Professor Cho’s discoveries in how membrane lipids control and modulate protein networks have the potential to transform approaches to drug development as well as basic cellular biology. His research findings have been published in highly regarded scholarly journals such as Nature Chemistry, Molecular Cell, Developmental Cell, and Nature Communications.