Undergrads Maggie Czyz and Fatou Dioum present at the East Central Illinois ACS Undergraduate Research Conference

Two of our undergraduate students, senior Maggie Czyz and junior Fatou Dioum, presented their research at the East Central Illinois ACS Undergraduate Research Conference in Urbana-Champaign on Oct. 28. Maggie was an invited speaker on the subject of theoretical chemistry, specifically solving the Schrodinger Equation for semiconductor heterostructures. Fatou presented a poster on the synthesis of semiconductor quantum dots for biological imaging (these materials were the subject of the 2023 Nobel Prize in chemistry). This event is co-sponsored by the ECI local section of the American Chemical Society, the UIUC ACS Undergraduate Student Chapter, the ECI Women Chemists Committee at UIUC, the ECI Younger Chemists Committee, and the SACNAS and Friends Chapter at UIUC.